Wednesday morning we were told that our evening ministries were going to be left up to us and God to decide. Our choices were living water or construction. The first time I did living water it was 106 degrees and super exhausting but touching to both me and everyone else involved. So after another hot tiring day I told myself I wanted to do some construction. I wanted the easy way out. We took some time before we left for our ministries to sit and ask God what He wanted us to do. When I asked God he put a picture in my head of a family sitting outside. I questioned God if that was really what he wants me to do and got the same picture, so I went to living water. We walked about 2 miles and had a couple of water bottles left and we needed a break. We found shade in front of the family gateway center so we stopped and sat down to rest. At the corner of the block is a intersection. I saw a lady holding a little kids hand, a arm full of groceries and another arm full of a baby. I went to her and asked her if she would like some water and she said yes but she had her hands full. So I asked her if she would like some help thinking she would hand me the groceries, but instead she said yes will you hold him (the baby). I said yes and took him. I carried him down the side walk and into the building and gave him back to her. At that moment I feld God just let me know that is why he wanted me to go to living water.